My thoughts and views on world issues, national issues, local issues, music, football, my life and the strangely beautiful, yet fallen, world around me
The Original Vune's Articles In Politics
June 17, 2005 by The Original Vune
I noticed that one of the Google ads down the side of the JU homepage was advertising Anti-Bush bumper stickers. Does anyone else find this as amusing as I did and does anyone think it represents the views of the JU ownership?
June 9, 2005 by The Original Vune
I have noticed a trend in the two different types of posters on this site. One side are prepared to strongly debate their argument, giving time for the opposing voices to be heard and considered. The other side label people as "liberals" at the first show of disagreement and then set their views in stone about what this person thinks and believes, spiralling down into personal attacks. Is this fair assessment?